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From Hairdresser to International Sales Director at Hairdreams

Sandra Schmidbauer’s career at Hairdreams, spanning over 30 years, is a remarkable journey from an apprentice hairdresser to her current role as International Sales Director. Her early days at the company were marked by a strong commitment to creative ideas and excellence in her field.

Climbing the Career Ladder

After completing her apprenticeship in the 90s, Sandra quickly became an integral part of Hairdreams, working closely with the company founder, Gerhard Ott. Her passion for high-quality hair extensions and her skill in styling led to a growing base of loyal clients.

This success paved the way for her rise to Salon Manager and later to Regional Director for Hairdreams Salons in various international cities including Graz, Vienna, Düsseldorf, Los Angeles, and Singapore. Under her leadership, these salons have gained a reputation for excellence in hair extensions and high customer satisfaction.

“The secret to the success of our salons lies in the careful selection of highly motivated employees, exceptional service standards, superior product quality, and, in particular, the handpicked Hairdreams hair.”

Perseverance Pays Off

Sandra’s commitment shone brightly as Hairdreams expanded its horizons, becoming a Master Trainer and later assuming the role of Head of Education. Under her guidance, the Hairdreams Academy was established, creating a global network of training centres in major cities like Berlin, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, London, and Milan. Her hands-on approach in these academies ensured that Hairdreams partners worldwide received top-notch training. Sandra’s blend of expertise, dedication, and innovation has been instrumental in establishing Hairdreams as a top-tier international luxury hair extension brand.

An Innovative Look into the Future

As the International Sales Director at Hairdreams, Sandra Schmidbauer draws upon her rich experience as a top hairdresser, Head of Education, and representative at global fashion shows. In this role, she collaborates closely with the sales team and the executive board, contributing significantly to strategic decisions that shape the company’s future. Sandra’s comprehensive understanding of the hair extension industry, gained from her grassroots experience in salon operations, enables her to effectively represent the perspectives of hairdressers at the executive level.

Her responsibilities extend to leading the sales team and overseeing the distribution of Hairdreams products across more than 50 countries. With three decades in the industry, Sandra looks to the future with confidence, and her deep insight into the needs and preferences of both customers and hairdressers positions her uniquely to drive Hairdreams towards continued global leadership, aiming to enrich more lives with their products.

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